Treatment of knee joint – not a quick process, and pure hell the pain is not always obtained immediately. Most often they arise because of the destruction and deformation of the cartilage tissue, but there may be other reasons. To delay therapy is impossible, because joint disease develops rapidly and can lead to heavy consequences and even disability.

Causes of pain in the knee
The knee is the body in which support is combined with two bones. A Cup located at the front of the knee, is connected by the tendons of the quadriceps muscles, which proceed in bundles. Bone covered with cartilage tissue, and between them is Crescent-shaped cartilage menisci. Also, the knee may, a few bags of synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant of the knee.
All this complex mechanism is designed for bending, straightening and shock absorption during movement. Any violation in the work cause of discomfort and pain. How to treat knees, to be determined by the surgeon after the diagnosis.
Causes of pain can be very diverse, ad fatigue and over-voltage protection so seriously esneh diseases, and they are divided thus:
- Knee injury – Yes, such reasons may include all mechanical damage. Strokes, torn ligaments, rupture of blood into the cavity of the joint with intra-articular fractures, bruising and tearing of the menisci, patellar dislocation. Such reasons tend to have a sharp local pain, severe swelling, the phenomenon of bruising and complication or failure of movement of the joint.
- Inflammatory and degenerative joint disease is the most common cause of pain in the knees of people older and older. Arthritis, arthrosis, the chondropathy, bursitis, disease Shlyattera and other diseases. Characterized by increasing pain, or simple discomfort at the movement, clicking during flexion/extension of the knee, abnormal flexibility of the joint and chronic instability of the knee.
- Various system infectious and viral diseases also lead to inflammation and pain. Yes, they include osteoporosis, bone tuberculosis, syphilis, osteomyelitis, and many others. Such pain can be of different nature according to the hell of the inflammation destruction of the body by viruses and infections.
- Diseases in which pain irradiiruet in the knees. The sciatic nerve lesions, osteoarthritis of the hip joints, fibromyalgia. Such pain is a side effect, so are periodic aching or shooting character. Treatment of the knee joint in such cases will not bring relief.
Diagnosis and finding the cause of pain to determine how to treat the knee joint. When phenomena Alen symptoms of unknown origin it is better not to self-medicate.

Treatment knees
Treatment of pain in the knee joint can be conservative and surgical. Surgical methods are surgery to eliminate the cause of pain. Conservative therapy is the complex of techniques aimed at the elimination of symptoms and pathologies. So how to treat pain in the knee joint?
Surgical methods
Such methods can be prescribed for people with severe injuries and inflammatory–degenerative diseases. Acute joint pain can indicate severe injuries or complete deterioration of cartilage. So there are several types of operations.
This operation can be performed for diagnosis and treatment of severe damage to the joints. Arthroscopy are introduced into the knee through incisions, one equipped with a camera and displays the image on the other screen is intended for manipulation within the joint, primarily for the treatment.
This operation significantly reduces the postoperative rehabilitation period, but also leaves virtually no scars. Using arthroscopy surgery for a torn ligaments and menisci. Hours it is used for the treatment of osteoarthritis, but in this case, Yes this time is questionable.
The most radical method. When such an operation is fully opened the knee joint, through the incision removed the patella, which allows manipulation directly in the cavity. Another such method called open. Usually bones are superimposed brackets, which greatly help to reduce stress on the joints.
A big disadvantage of such an operation is a lengthy rehabilitation period. Walking the patient will be able in 1-2 months, and to lead an active lifestyle after a year. However, the holding of such surgical intervention usually ensures a long remission.
You should know that the osteotomy is used in severe cases or deformation of connective tissues when required partial removal of the patient element.

Carried out when all other treatment methods have been exhausted and the joint continues to deteriorate and completely stops to perform its functions. After complete removal of the affected element by osteotomy knee prosthetic implant. It can be transplanted the blood pressure of the donor, and possible replacement with an artificial prosthesis. They are made of plastic, ceramic or metal alloys.
Thus, the disease disappears and the patient reaches remission forever. It should consider that the prosthesis can be cut off, as well as other possible side effect. The leader of the endoprosthesis remains Israel.
Conservative methods of treatment
Such methods is a set of methods aimed at regeneration, healing and rehabilitation of the joints. It includes medication, physiotherapy and gymnastics, physiotherapy. In some cases, may include traditional methods. The first manifestations of knee pain, you should pick up a knee brace or bandage that would slow down the destruction of tissues and start of primary treatment and reduce the symptoms of the disease.
What is the first thing to do for pain in the knees? Of course, use the painkillers and analgesics. Such means may be in various pharmacological forms. Ointments, pills recommended for dull and aching pains. Acute shooting and it is better to contact and injection, which will instantly relieve the pain.
After the diagnosis can be prescribed non-steroidal medicines. Injuries, arthrosis and other degenerative diseases of the knee often swells. To do this, and need these medications. They improve circulation, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
The final stage of medical treatment of the camp reception chondroprotectors. Prescribe them when absolutely any kind of damage and changes in the cartilage. This is the basis of conservative treatment.
But you should be ready that the treatment with chondroprotectors will be very long. The course takes hell three months of the year. Pharmacological form may be tablets, ointments and injections. Such substances are, by the way, you can find in food, so when the pain in the knees, doctors recommend eating a hedgehog in aspic, meat broth, avocado and jelly.

In some cases, you can assign intramuscular injections of hyaluronic acid. This substance is synovial fluid that fills the joint cavity. It will help the regeneration of connective tissue, and recovery will be much faster.
Physical therapy and exercises
This is a crucial stage as after surgical treatment and after medical. Physical therapy to do and to prevent pain. It should be under the supervision of a physiotherapist in a special centre or sanatorium for the correct execution of exercises. Usually takes 2-3 months.
With its help, the knee joint gradually returns and active life by increasing range of motion. The most important element of the camp swimming. It will provide the opportunity not only to smoothly joint to move, but also to improve blood circulation and metabolism, which has a positive effect on tissue repair.
Physical therapy
Such procedures are aimed at safe recovery and treatment. These methods reach the best result with the smallest load. Yes, they treated the following ways:
- ultrasound therapy;
- electrophoresis;
- therapy infrared rays;
- various warm up.
How else can you treat your feet, if hurts the knee? Good physiotherapy procedure also phenomenon is the massage increases blood circulation and speeds up the recovery process. Massage relieves pain and has a tonic effect. Drugs for external use can be used without prescription, such treatment is permissible if sore knees. But most likely, it will only remove the symptoms, but the reason will remain, and sooner or later, again to cause discomfort.
Traditional methods of treatment
How to treat knee pain with traditional methods, probably, knows each patient at least once faced with this disease:
- The first way camp heating of the joint. This can be done with the help of special packs of vodka and honey at home.
- You can visit the bath or sauna, which is beneficial to the whole body. A very modern method of heating the mill warming brace on the batteries. It is convenient, comfortable and does not require much effort. One session is able to rid hell of pain for literally 20-30 minutes.
- In the same way good affect the joints mud and seaweed wraps. They are able to return the elasticity of the cartilage, improve blood circulation, which contributes to better nutrition of tissues.
It is important to remember that in severe injuries and in the last stages of the disease traditional methods will be ineffective. Therefore, any treatment at home need to discuss with your doctor.

Popular recipes
Traditional medicine is rich tested recipes that you can use to treat knee joints.
Soda-saline compress. Prepare a mixture of teaspoons of salt and soda, add 5-7 drops of iodine. Hot on the knee to apply a compress of this mixture. The procedure is repeated at least 5 times.
Alcohol tinctures can be taken internally or used for rastirok. Rubbing from the Golden mustache. The infusion can cook yourself or buy in the pharmacy. Rubbing sore knees at night. Tincture of birch buds. 20 g of birch buds three weeks to insist in 100 g of 70% alcohol. Take 15-20 drops three times a day. A tincture can be prepared s 20 grams of fruit chestnut and 500 ml of alcohol, to insist two weeks, rubbing your knees at night.
Therapeutic wraps
Wrap washed leaves mother and stepmother, burdock, horseradish, cabbage reduce pain, restore joint. To enhance the effect of cabbage leaf can be lubricated with honey. To achieve complete cure, wraps need to be applied for a long time.
Herbal teas
Delicious and healthy for arthritis of the knees teas get brewed incomplete tablespoon of the mixture, leaves of bilberry, black currant, wild rose.
Turpentine ointment. Ingredients: teaspoon turpentine, yolk, tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar. The resulting ointment is rubbed into the knees completely absorbed.
Nettle ointment. Mix equal portions of honey and nettle, to use for rubbing into the skin of his knees. You must not use this ointment with increased blood clotting.
The ointment prepared from equal portions (150 ml) of alcohol and oil of turpentine, 3 grams of camphor. Designed for grinding of patients knees.
Ointment of propolis. Melt in a water bath equal portions of propolis and vegetable oil. Lubricate the knees several times a day.

Decoctions and infusions
Potato broth. Boil the potatoes in their skins without draining the water, mash it, to give mass to soak (an hour and a half), drain the upper part of the liquid. Drink three times a day for the third part of the glass.
Onion decoction in osteoarthritis. Cook two unpeeled, chopped onions and full of cooking. Drinking Yes, eating 1 Cup.
In case of arthrosis of the knee joints to restore their mobility is an important therapeutic exercises. Pick up a set of special exercises can help doctor, doctor-instructor of the physical therapy office. The first classes it is desirable to perform with an instructor that will show you how to treat knee joint in the home.
Before performing complex need to do a warm-up to warm up the joints, then follow the basic exercises (avoiding pain). To finish the exercises walking in place and breathing exercises. Therapeutic exercises should be performed daily for 10-15 minutes.
Therapeutic baths
A warm salt bath (600 g of sea salt per bucket of water) improve blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, tissue regeneration, relieve swelling. Penetrating into the joint fluid, salt improves the quality of synovial fluid, reduces inflammation.
The cleansing bath can be prepared V. e 200 g rhizomes of Potentilla. The grass need to pour four cups of boiling water, warm on water bath for 15 minutes. Take a bath with the resulting solution. Kindness soothes the pain a bath with a decoction of the leaves and juniper.
Years you can take sand "baths". To do this, wrap the feet in hot sand for 20-30 minutes. Definitely need to wear a hat, not to get sunstroke.
Food for pain in the knees

For pain in the knees it is impossible to be skeptical and nutrition. Diet is essential for weight loss, reduce inflammation. You need to drop the hell eating foods that provoke inflammation in the joints (pickles, smoked products, pickles, alcohol).
Especially diet have gout, malnutrition almost immediately causes aggravation of the disease: redness in the knees, swelling and severe pain.
Diseases of the knees easier to prevent than to treat. Quality food, sufficient drinking mode, adjusting the weight, motor activity, special exercises, swimming strengthens the knee joint, protecting them hell injury or pathological damage.
If you still failed to protect the knees, you need time to see and orthopedist, a rheumatologist with recommendations on how to treat knee joints at home. Timely, quality completion of assignments and recommendations will help to avoid complications of disability and the need for surgery. Take care of your knees and be healthy.