With long-term problems with joint nutrition, changes in cartilage tissue begin and osteoarthritis develops. This disease is the most common form of joint damage, greatly impairing quality of life and leading to complete disability. It can occur not only in an elderly person, so the issue of prevention and treatment is relevant for everyone. Do folk remedies help and which ones are worth using?
what is osteoarthritis
Degenerative-dystrophic disease of the joints, in which the cartilaginous tissue on its surface loses its elasticity, is worn out - this is the definition of arthrosis given by doctors. Alternative name of the disease: osteoarthritis (possibly writing "osteoarthritis deformans"). This term can encompass several diseases with similar results but of different etiology (origin), where the pathology affects all parts of the joint:
- articular cartilage;
- ligaments;
- joint capsule;
- synovia;
- subchondral bone;
- periarticular muscles.
Osteoarthritis is caused by a large number of biological and mechanical causes that contribute to the destruction of cartilage tissue: excessive physical activity, trauma, metabolic disorders, poor nutrition, infectious diseases, overweight. Mainly the knee, ankle and hip joints are affected, as the load on them is maximum, less often the lower back, elbows, neck, phalanges of the fingers are affected. Osteoarthritis can affect 1 joint (localized form) or several (generalized, polyosteoarthritis). General symptoms:
- pain in the affected joint (at first, only during physical exertion, at the end of the day, after - and at rest);
- feeling stiff in the morning (lasts up to half an hour);
- decreased joint mobility.
The clinical picture of arthrosis depends on the stage of development: at the initial stage, there are no morphological changes (in the structure) of the joint - only the synovial fluid is affected, the symptoms are smoothed out. The pain may occur after physical exertion, disappearing at rest. As arthrosis progresses, the process of cartilage and meniscus destruction begins, the following signs appear:
- dense thickening along the edges of the joint space;
- painful points;
- pain and limited movement (contracture);
- joint instability;
- chronic inflammation;
- deformation due to bone growths (osteophytes).

Treatment of osteoarthritis with folk remedies at home
The process of combating this disease is always long, mainly the treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis (at home). It is important to observe an integrated approach to eliminate the problem: limiting the load on painful joints, observing a motor regimen, regularly performing therapeutic exercises (exercises are selected by a doctor) and massage. The goals of the therapeutic regimen for osteoarthritis are:
- preventing the development of contractures;
- improve joint function;
- slowing the progression of the disease.
Treatment of arthrosis with folk methods is aimed at carrying out the same tasks, and in addition, it should eliminate unpleasant symptoms: pain, inflammation. Internal intake of decoctions and tinctures helps to restore cartilage tissue at the initial stage of the disease, improve metabolic processes and blood circulation. When properly combined with other therapeutic methods, folk remedies for osteoarthritis can prevent the disease from developing. Several important rules:
- Do not stop the course of treatment when you feel an improvement: the elimination of the root cause is always long term and the symptoms can disappear within a week.
- Strictly follow the indicated dosages (even with folk remedies, you can go too far) and follow the schedule of procedures.
- Do not ignore the diet: without it, it is useless to take folk remedies and make compresses, as nutrition is at the heart of the causes of osteoarthritis. Eliminate salt, sugar, any artificial additives, pay attention to a diet based on plant foods, sources of omega-3 fats (fish, olive oil) and monitor your body weight. Jam, gelatin, aspic, cottage cheese, soft cheese will come in handy.
- Coordinate traditional methods of treating osteoarthritis with your doctor, especially if the disease is not at an early stage or if you have a large number of chronic conditions or suffer from allergies. When treating children, self-selection of therapy is prohibited.
- If adverse reactions appear, discard the chosen drug or method.
Compresses for osteoarthritis of the joints
Local treatment of degenerative-dystrophic processes involves the use of ointments, rubs or compresses (applications, dressings). The latter more effectively relieves pain and swelling, improves blood circulation and can help nourish cartilage tissue (if the product is gelatin-based). Compresses are hot, prohibited with an active inflammatory process, but they perfectly remove pain and cold, which better eliminate edema. Effective folk remedies for osteoarthritis:
- Pour the oatmeal (4 tablespoons) with boiling water (cup). Cook over low heat for 7-8 minutes to make a thick, viscous porridge. If there is too much water, add more oatmeal. The resulting mass must be cooled, laid out in gauze folded three times, used as a compress before bed. Be sure to cover it with plastic wrap and secure it with a bandage.
- Take the fresh horseradish root, rub it well without peeling it. Put a gauze folded twice, put it on the painful joint. You can hold the compress for 1-2 hours, apply - 2 times a day.
Popular folk remedies used for compresses for diseases of the musculoskeletal system are plant leaves, which are lightly crushed so that the juice comes out. For this purpose, take cabbage, fern or burdock. The last option is not the most affordable for a city dweller, as a fresh leaf is needed, but it is very effective, it helps to quickly relieve swelling and pain. The principle of action is simple:
- Bring a large amount of water (3-4 liters) to a boil in a pot.
- Soak the washed burdock leaf there, hold for exactly 30 seconds.
- Treat the affected area with warm olive oil or honey (about 1-2 tablespoons, the exact amount depends on the size of the joint).
- Place a scalded burdock leaf on top, secure with a bandage for an hour. The procedure can be performed daily until the pain and swelling are completely eliminated.
A simple and effective alternative treatment for osteoarthritis and arthritis involves applying cabbage compresses. They stop the inflammatory process, relieve edema by excreting fluid, have a positive effect on nutrient metabolism and reduce the severity of pain. For the procedure, whole cabbage leaves and juice squeezed from them are used. The most effective recipes:
- Remove the leaf from the head of the cabbage, wash it well, make several shallow cuts inside. Hit it with a hammer, if the veins are too thick, apply to the affected joint. For greater efficiency, inside, you can grease the leaf with honey mixed with mustard powder (1 tsp each). Close with foil, secure with a bandage and a warm tissue. For the knee it is worth using 2-3 sheets, for other areas - 1. Keep the compress for an hour, and if necessary, you can make a new one. It is allowed to do 4-5 procedures a day, the duration of treatment - until the patient feels better.
- Take 4-5 leaves of a head of cabbage, chop with a knife, remember with your hands in a small glass container. Squeeze out the juice, saturate it with gauze folded three times or a thick woolen cloth (always with a natural composition). Apply a compress to the painful area, cover with foil. Keep it for 1. 5-2 hours. The juice can be stored for up to 3 days, after which it is made fresh. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is not limited.
Alcohol and vodka tinctures
Universal folk remedies for osteoarthritis, which can be used both internally and externally, are tinctures with alcohol or vodka. For its preparation, take saber flowers, dandelion, elecampane, lilac, which have anti-inflammatory properties. They can also be used to prepare decoctions of drinking water if alcohol tinctures are not allowed. Particularly effective recipes:
- Take 2 tbsp. I. Sabelnik, pour a glass of vodka. Keep the mixture in a cool place for 2 weeks. You need to drink the tincture in 1 tbsp. l. , which is diluted in 100 ml of warm water, before meals. In addition, it can be applied externally, gently massaging the joint for one minute, 2 times a day. The treatment lasts for a month.
- Separate 1 kg of rye grains (for a complete therapeutic course), pour cold water (7 l). Let it cook on medium heat, turn off the heat. When the broth has cooled, strain. Mix liquid honey (1 kg), vodka (500 ml) and barberry root (3 tsp). Keep the dye cold and dark for 3 weeks. Drink 3 tbsp. I. before meals until the product runs out.
- Grind the peeled garlic cloves (200 g), add alcohol (200 ml). After 10 days, drain, leave for another 2 days. Take 3 drops, diluted in 100 ml of milk, morning and evening, one hour after meals. The treatment lasts for a month.

healing decoctions
A useful and simple folk remedy for osteoarthritis is a simple herbal tea with fresh ginger, which improves blood circulation, reduces pain and inflammation. To do this, just rub 2 cm of ginger root finely, add a clove bud and 1 tsp. Green tea. Everything is filled with hot water (80 degrees), heated for 10 minutes in a water bath, infused for half an hour. Then add a teaspoon of honey here, drink the tea warm. The agent can be taken daily 1-2 times, the duration of treatment is not limited. In addition, the following decoctions are useful for osteoarthritis:
- Take dry bay leaves (10 g), pour boiling water (200 ml), boil for 10 minutes. Insist, wrapping the container with a towel, for 5 hours. If possible, it is advisable to keep the broth in a hot oven and cook in a thick pan. Drink in small portions a day. Treatment lasts only 3 days, after a week break the course is repeated.
- Mix marigold flowers, nettle and birch leaves, pour 2 tbsp. I. half a liter of boiling water. Boil, let cool. Drink 100 ml before meals for half an hour 4 r / day for 3 weeks.
ointments and rubbing
If the joint affected by osteoarthritis is not inflamed, the skin is not reddened, the local temperature is not high, home rubbing can be prepared to reduce pain and normalize blood circulation. They are used during light massage: stroking, spiraling movements, rubbing. They can be used up to 2 times a day, after which it is advisable to wrap the treated area with a woolen cloth. The course for a moderate course of osteoarthritis lasts 2-3 weeks. For these procedures, you can squeeze the juice from aloe leaves, use hot honey or prepare a multi-component composition:
- Take 100 g of olive oil or another vegetable oil (sunflower, corn), add a similar amount of propolis, which must be finely grated. Heat in a water bath to obtain a homogeneous mass (the propolis must melt), let it cool. Use the resulting product to rub on the area affected by arthrosis 2 times a day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.
- Grind 20 g of Caucasian hellebore with a pestle to a fine powder. Pour 20 ml of vegetable oil and a similar amount of liquid honey (you can heat it up), add 5 g of mustard. Heat everything in a water bath (low heat), stir, let it cool to room temperature. Rub into joints with severe pain 2-3 r / day.
- Take equal amounts of birch buds, wild rosemary, Maryin root, white lilac flowers, sweet clover, prepare 1 tbsp. I. collecting a cup of boiling water. Insist one hour. Melt 150 g of inner lard in a water bath, add here 50 ml of infusion to obtain a thick paste. When the product has cooled, use it to rub the affected area morning and night.
- Beat 2 chicken eggs, add 2 tsp each. ammonia and turpentine. At night, massage the affected joint with this mixture. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.
If the patient does not have diseases of the skin and cardiovascular system (especially hypertension), tumors, therapeutic baths can be taken to improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system. They contribute to general heating, stimulate cell renewal, strengthen immunity, relieve swelling, pain, muscle hypertonicity, normalize blood circulation and regain mobility. The effect depends on the chosen product added to the water. Traditional medicine for osteoarthritis advises the use of:
- sea salt;
- iodine;
- needles;
- hay powder;
- turpentine;
- herbal preparations;
- mustard powder.
It is important that the water temperature is comfortable: 35-37 degrees, but for some popular recipes, exceptions are allowed (temperature increase up to 40 degrees). The procedure is carried out for 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the agent used, with a frequency of 1 time in 2 days or less - according to portability. To obtain a noticeable result with arthrosis, the course should last a month (15 procedures), if necessary, it is repeated after a break: this must be discussed with the doctor.
with salt and pine
Baths, for which sea salt (1 kg) and pine branches (2-3 pcs. ) are used, have a good effect on the musculoskeletal system. Also, to increase the heating effect, you can add:
- honey (2 tbsp. l);
- turpentine (1 tsp).
First, pine branches are placed in a bathtub and boiled. After half an hour, sea salt, honey, turpentine are added here. The bath is filled with hot water. When it cools down to 37 degrees, you can start the procedure. Its duration is 20 minutes, the course consists of 12 procedures. If there are no pine branches, you can take any conifer essential oil (3-5 drops), but add it when the water starts to cool.
herbal bath
Nettle, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort are popular and effective herbs, on the basis of which you can prepare decoctions used for therapeutic baths for arthrosis. They relieve pain and have a relaxing effect. These herbs are used alone or together. Some traditional medicine options:
- Combine calendula, St. John's wort and oregano in equal proportions. The resulting mixture in the amount of 3 tbsp. I. pour a couple of glasses of boiling water. Let it ferment for an hour, pour it into the bath. Given the low concentration of the infusion, it is recommended to use it for local baths: to warm the elbow, knee, ankle joint. The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes, the course consists of 10 sessions every other day.
- Take nettle, birch leaves, tansy flowers (the proportion is equal). Pour 100 g of the mixture with a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Add to the finished bath and let it soak for 15 minutes. Procedures should be performed for 2 weeks on alternate days.

In case of injuries to the small joints of the hands and feet (phalanges, wrists), they can be steamed in small baths. For them, folk remedies for the treatment of arthrosis such as conifer solutions and soda salt are used. The latter is a mixture of equal amounts of baking soda and sea salt, filled with hot water (75-80 degrees). For 1 liter, take 1 tbsp. I. of each product. The bath is done for 15 minutes, gently massaging the arthrosis areas. After that, it is advisable to put on woolen socks or gloves. The procedure is repeated every other day for 3 weeks.