Osteoarthritis is degenerative change of the articular cartilage not inflammatory in nature. This process occurs in most cases as a result of natural aging.
According to statistics, arthritis is considered a fairly common ailment, as they suffer, according to various estimates, from 10% to 15% of the population in different countries.

This disease is typical for the age group of 45 years and more. Although, there are exceptions, when arthritis was observed in less than the age group of people as a consequence of traumas, serious illnesses, fractures, inherent in more athletes.
Generally, arthritic pain patients feel in the camp loads, but once they sit or lie down in a comfortable position for the affected extremity, as pain symptoms subside. As disease progression is enhanced by the characteristic crunch of the joints, decreases the amplitude of the habitual movements of the joints, there is a deformation of the articular components.
Osteoarthritis – what is it?
What causes osteoarthritis, and what is it? The disease develops because of violations of metabolism in the joint, which in turn leads to the fact that the cartilage begins to lose elasticity. This may contribute to the total or partial loss of part of the cartilage proteoglycans, which happens usually due to a rather deep cracks in the cartilage.
- Primary Osteoarthritis begins without any noticeable reason, and striking unaltered articular cartilage in many joints; more common in persons older than 40 years. Primary osteoarthritis of the phenomena is a consequence of the violation of the ratio in cartilage synthesis and degeneration, and is accompanied by disorder of function of chondrocytes. In cartilage during arthritic changes is dominated by the processes of destruction.
- The main causes of secondary osteoarthritis are significant changes in metabolic processes: blood circulation, salt exchange, and lymph flow, hormone imbalances in the development of the necessary joint nutrients. Hormonal changes leading and osteoarthritis, are common in older women and elderly, when the natural hormonal changes.
At risk include people:
- with overweight;
- with hereditary disorders;
- elderly;
- specific professions;
- with metabolic disorders in the body;
- with deficiency of micronutrients;
- after trauma to the spine;
- involved in some sports.
The insidiousness of osteoarthritis lies in the fact that the pathological changes in the cartilage of the affected joint for a long time does not manifest any symptoms – pain and difficulty of movements become visible only at the moment when the destruction reaches the periosteum, which is located under the cartilage.
Arthrosis 1, 2 and 3 degrees
There are three degrees of arthrosis:
- 1 the extent of the disease has practically no tangible symptoms. Only occasionally pain can occur with movement or other physical activity. At the first stage of osteoarthritis occur pathological changes in the synovial fluid of the joint, thus weakening muscular system, but does not undergo modifications.
- Stage 2 osteoarthritis is marked by the beginning of the destruction of the joint, the phenomena appear first and osteophytes. The pain is tolerable, but blatant. Distinctly heard the crunch in the affected joints. Is a disturbance of muscular functions in mind violations of reflex neurotrophic regulation.
- 3 degree of osteoarthritis articular cartilage is thinned, there are large pockets of destruction. There is a significant deformation of the joint areas with change of the axis of the limb. Because of the violation of normal relations between the anatomical structures of the joint and extensive pathological changes in the connective tissue ligaments become insolvent and shortened, thereby developing abnormal mobility of the joint in combination with the restriction of the natural AB pit movements. There are contractures and subluxations. Periarticular muscles are stretched or shortened, the ability and the reduction is weakened. Food joint and surrounding tissues disturbed.
The disease is characterized by stages of exacerbation and remission stages. This greatly hampers the self-diagnosis of osteoarthritis, relying only on own sensations. It is therefore necessary to seek clarification of the diagnosis and doctor.

Osteoarthritis may first certain signs on the basis of his classification, but there is a generalized list:
- Pain, which is amplified in wet weather, and hell freezing;
- The joint increases in volume due to strain and osteophytes;
- The temperature of the skin around the diseased joint increases. You may experience a General increase in temperature.
- The joint begins to swell, there is swelling and seals;
- When the voltage and the work of the joint can be heard and perceived crunching or creaking hell friction bone formation.
In later stages the pain can occur in the quiescent state due to stagnation of blood and increasing the intraosseous pressure.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis
Yes osteoarthritis refers to a chronic disease. Hours, the disease can occur unnoticed over the years, only occasionally Recalling the pain when the load on a diseased joint, or awkward movement.
Hello google + and so that the disease develops rapidly and severe stage just a few months. In any case, it is important to remember, if you do not treat arthritis, its symptoms will be z hours to increase, worsening the quality of life, and in severe cases, and resulting disability and immobilization.
Thus, when the main symptoms of osteoarthritis are the following:
- Aching pain in the joint. It is especially evident when different kinds of loads on the diseased joint during walking on the stairs.
- An ache and a crunch in the joint. Aching manifested by supercooling. Crunch at first is not strong, but in the absence of treatment, e hours he will be hear by others.
- The phenomenon of swelling. The typical symptom of another diseases of joints – arthritis. But in case of arthrosis there is a swelling only in exacerbations and is accompanied by severe pain and aching. It is very noticeable and gives a lot of inconvenience.
Hours pain yeah time to grow. Hours the pain in the joint google + is very active, a manifestation of hell on loads. In his youth arthrosis can be developed a hell lot of exercise or after injury.
Diagnosis of osteoarthritis
Diagnosis is based primarily on the identification of such predisposing factors as phenomena the emergence of pain and discomfort in the movements of the joints. If you experience above symptoms, it is possible to conduct x-ray, radionucleides and morphological study.
All studies are conducted only in clinical settings and findings should be given only by qualified professionals. On our site you can always ask questions about the symptoms, treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis in the comments below.
Preventive measures to prevent osteoarthritis is available to everyone. They include moderate exercise (it should not cause pain in the joints), balanced nutrition, and daily consumption of a hedgehog in all major minerals and vitamins.
Often to rid hell of osteoarthritis prevents overweight, so be very careful Yes your diet and, if necessary, diet.
It is also necessary to remember that arthritis refers and the category of chronic diseases. In other words, the main criterion of efficiency of treatment — achieving long-term remission and improve the patient's condition.

Treatment of osteoarthritis
When diagnosed osteoarthritis treatment at this point is Esna serious and urgent problem. And although the number of drugs used for arthritis, is constantly increasing, they render only symptomatic effect. And while none of the drugs are not a panacea in the treatment of joints.
The plan and methods of treatment depend on the hell stage and the symptoms of osteoarthritis, often initially relieve pain, as in the second and third stages of the disease they can be very painful. Also possible anti-inflammatory therapy with concomitant inflammation of the joint.
The main scheme of medical treatment of osteoarthritis may in mind the application:
- NSAIDs to reduce pain and eliminate inflammation.
- Drugs from the group of chondroprotectors, composed of active components such as glucosamine and chondroitin.
- In severe disease may require intra-articular injection of corticosteroids. These drugs quickly eliminate inflammation, and normalize the mobility of the affected joint.
- After elimination of the inflammatory process may require intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid, which acts as a lubricant and prevents friction of joints, eliminates pain, improves mobility and stimulates the production of its own hyaluronate.
To return the joint affected by osteoarthritis to a large extent, possible only through surgery to replace the joint without surgery to do this is not yet possible.
At advanced stages of arthrosis of the knee, treatment with medication may no longer be effective, and then should decide on operational methods of healing.
There are several types of surgery:
- Arthroplasty. Replacement of articular cartilage artificial lining. After the surgery significantly reduced pain and increased mobility.
- Arthroscopy. Does not require a long recovery period, is well suited for patients of all ages. She needed to prevent joint destruction. During the surgery removes the inflamed areas – this happens when a thin probe and auxiliary tools.
- Prosthetics. Replacement of all joint components of artificial analogues. By the way, modern dentures are made of a special metal that is not rejected by the body. These grafts serve an average of about ten years. After surgery, patients can lead a full life.
At home by the doctor, the patient may use distraction tools in form of ointments, rastirok, gels, infusions of herbs. Good results are physical therapy, acupuncture, hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), as well as Spa treatment in remission stage (the attenuation of disease), using natural mud and mineral baths.
Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis
A prerequisite in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the phenomenon is the use of different types of exercises to prevent atrophy of the weakening of muscles and ligaments.
Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis are selected individually for each patient by the attending doctor and physiotherapist. Yes, the exercises begin only after removing the aggravation, but not later than 5-6 Zen after pain.
The objective of exercise for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the phenomenon is the restoration of joint mobility, aerobic workout, improving the strength and flexibility of muscles and joints.
How to treat arthritis folk remedies?
With osteoarthritis medical treatment can not be avoided, but usually the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment, advising them to remedy. But you should know that the treatment of arthritis, including alternative medicine, is based on healthy lifestyle and nutrition, Yes, all this is added the traditional recipes.

- Birch leaves, nettle leaves and inflorescence of calendula is taken in equal parts. In the end, you need to two tablespoons. Put the resulting minced collection in a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Starting next morning should take half a Cup of decoction four to five times a day. The course of this recipe is two to three months.
- Egg solution is prepared W fresh egg yolk that is mixed with turpentine and Apple cider vinegar in the ratio 1:1:1. The liquid should be mixed thoroughly and RUB it to the affected joint for the night. Then you need to wrap all woolen scarf. It is recommended to perform rubbing for 1 month, 2-3 times a week.
- Celery. 1-2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed celery juice to drink so 3 times a day. You can use the broth. Brew 1 tbsp. spoon of fresh roots 2 cups boiling water and let stand, covered for 4 hours. Drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day 30 minutes Yes food.
- You'll need a piece of soft wool, without any synthetic impurities and cabbage. First you need to chop the head, then well mash it with a mortar or with your hands, it is desirable to use a non-oxidizable dishes. You can then wring out the juice in the juicer. Now take the prepared cloth and dipped in cabbage juice, this poultice is placed on the patient's joint. I would like to note that the juice can be stored up to three days after extraction.
- The use of boiled oatmeal also gives good results. Take three or four tablespoons of oatmeal, pour boiling water and simmer on low heat for five to seven minutes. The used amount of water should provide a thick slurry which is to be cooled and use as a compress for the night. Only use recently boiled cereals. Yesterday's mess to compress is not suitable.
- The pharmacy sold elecampane root. Usually it is Packed in packs of 50 grams. To prepare the tincture you will need half a pack of plant roots and 150ml of quality vodka. The ingredients are mixed and placed in dark bottle and infuse for 12 Zen. Are rubbing before bedtime, and whenever possible in the morning.
In General, the treatment of osteoarthritis folk remedies are not able to completely replace the standard therapies (medication, physiotherapy, massage, exercise), but can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease, enhance the action of other therapies and to accelerate the recovery.